It has got a simple and intuitive interface with all the tools neatly organized to give you complete control over your workflow. The program has the ability to process images in digital quality, as well as transform and track them and work with Flash and QuickTime formats.It is also capable of multi-layer editing, onion skinning, and advanced vector editing. RETAS PRO HD ( StylosHD + CoreHD + PaintManHD + TraceManHD ) 2006 is a feature-packed and the best image editor that has all the basic tools and features for creation of vector and raster graphics. You can also download Aurora 3D Animation Maker 2020 Free Download. PaintManHD is a coloring utility that is designed to color images created in either Stylos or TraceMan. It also offers various functionality such as panning, multiplane effects, moving images, and exporting. Similarly, CoreHD is a rendering utility which allows you to set up a scene and render it as an animation. It allows you to convert hand drawings into line art, it is an alternative to the paperless Stylos editor. TraceManHD is a reliable and powerful scanning tool which supports vector tracing and 48-bit image scanning. StylosHD is a vector and raster graphics editor used to draw the keyframes and in between of a scene. It includes StylosHD, CoreHD, PaintManHD and TraceManHD each with its own function. It is a comprehensive application which comes loaded with advanced tools to handle specific tasks in the animation process. RETAS PRO HD ( StylosHD + CoreHD + PaintManHD + TraceManHD ) 2006 is a powerful and effective suite for creating interactive 2D animation. RETAS PRO HD ( StylosHD + CoreHD + PaintManHD + TraceManHD ) 2006 Overview